Human Herpes Virus 6 Nucleic Acid Detection (HHV6 PCR) – Blood

Test Name
Human Herpes Virus 6 Nucleic Acid Detection (HHV6 PCR) – Blood
Test Code
Specimen Type

DEDICATED molecular specimens are required for blood requests.

EDTA blood, Plasma/Serum

Minimum Volume
Preferred Volume

Quantitative PCR (viral loads) are performed on all detected blood specimens. Note: These are performed on plasma unless whole blood is specified or is insufficient to be performed on plasma.

Recommended transport/storage conditions
  • EDTA Blood: 2-8oC for 3 days
  • Plasma/Serum: 2-8oC for 3 days
For non-blood specimens, refer to: Human Herpes Virus 6 Nucleic Acid Detection (HHV-6 PCR) – Non-Blood (CSF, Faeces)
Assay Performed
Molecular Microbiology
Level 4, 50 Flemington Rd, Parkville 3052
Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 17:30
No after hours service; if urgent testing is required, the requesting clinician is to contact on-call Clinical Microbiologist for advice via switchboard
9345 4673
Assay Frequency

Tuesdays and Thursdays (excluding public holidays)

For same day results, specimens need to be received in the laboratory before 11:30am (RCH) and 8:45am (RWH)

ABO Titre