Inhibin B

Test Name
Inhibin B
Test Code
Specimen Type

Serum-Gel or Lith Hep plasma

Minimum Volume


On the request form, specify the day of cycle when the sample was collected. (For cycling females peak levels occur around days 5-7 of cycle)

Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is also available as an alternative marker for granulosa cell ovarian tumours and is a better indicator of ovarian reserve than Inhibin B.

LAB NOTES Separate and freeze sample. 

Send to testing laboratory on dry ice. Do not pack dry ice in a sealed container.  Use appropriate PPE.

Assay Performed
Specimen Reception
Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
Best St
Bowen Hills 4006
(07) 3377 8663
Assay Frequency

Once per week (Wednesday)

Acetylcholine Receptor Abs