In this section
DEDICATED molecular specimens are required for blood and swab requests.
Preferred specimen: NPA – 0.5 mL
Alternative specimens: Bronchoalveoloar Lavage (BAL), Bronchial Washings (BW), Endotracheal Aspirate (ETA) Nose or Throat swab using Copan eSwab Mini Tip FLOQSwab (orange cap), Urine, CSF, EDTA whole blood
Note: If a swab larger than the Copan eSwab Mini Tip FLOQSwab (orange cap) is required, please consider using the Red Top Dry FLOQSwab - 552C.
Measles is a notifiable infection and suspected cases must be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on 1300 651 160 (24 hours)
Routine Testing of Measles Nucleic Acid Detection (RT-PCR)Measles performed daily at VIDRL
Urgent (after hours) Measles Nucleic Acid Detection (RT-PCR) testing at VIDRL
1. Requesting Clinician must obtain test authorisation by DHS. The requesting clinician must indicate on the EPIC order/request form that the testing has been approved by DHS (including details of the DHS approver)
2. Requesting Clinician must indicate the appropriate contact person and details (mobile/landline) for communication of VIDRL results on the EPIC order/request form
3. Requesting Clinician to phone 9345 5904 to notify the laboratory of DHS approved test.
Laboratory Staff:
Monday to Friday sent in the morning - SAME DAY TESTING