Metanephrines, Urine

Test Name
Metanephrines, Urine
Test Code
Specimen Type

Preferred sample: 24 hr urine collection into a container PRE-ACIDIFIED with 1mol/L (5%) acetic acid. Obtain from Core Laboratory with collection kit (funnel and container).  See Special Requirements

Minimum Volume
24 hr urine

This test should not be used as a routine test - 24 hr Urinary Catecholamines is recommended for routine testing, according to the reference laboratory.

Special Requirements : Patient are requested to limit intake of tea, coffee or cathecolamine rich foods (e.g bananas, nuts) prior to an during collection.

LAB NOTES: 24 hour urine collections must be collected into a bottle that contains 1 mol/L (5%) acetic acid as a preservative. The volume of 1 mol/ L acetic acid to be added to the bottle depends on the age of the patient. See Document number SR-W-034 or SR-P-007 for volume of acid to be added to the container prior to collection.

Ensure all age / warning labels are attached to the container.

Ensure patient / carer understands risk associate with the acid - use interpreter services if required.

Assay Performed
Central Specimen Reception
Austin Health
Studley Rd
Heidelberg 3084
9496 3100
Assay Frequency

Test batched and run approximately twice weekly.