In this section
Aspirate including GastricBiopsyBlood (Whole) Bone MarrowBronchial – Lavages/Washings Fluids including CSFsFaeces SputumFlocked Swab 552C (red top)TissuesUrine
Aspirates including Gastric: 2-5mls in sterile yellow lid containerBiopsy & Tissue: 1-5mm in sterile yellow lid containerBlood & Bone Marrow: Before collecting, obtain special collection bottle - BD Bacto Myco/G Lytic bottle - by contacting Bacteriology on ext 55739. Do NOT transport via pneumatic tube system. Forward at room temperature in carrier provided by the laboratory.Bronchial Lavages/Washings: 2-5mls in sterile yellow lid containerFluids including CSFs: 1-5mls in sterile yellow lid containerFaeces: 2tbsp in Brown topped containerSputum: 2-5mls in sterile yellow lid containerUrine: 3 early morning specimens in sterile yellow lid container
LAB NOTES: Forward all samples and add-on requests to Bacteriology to organise send away to VIDRL.
Gastric Aspirates MUST be received and neutralised in the laboratory within 4 hours of collection. Please contact Bacteriology Laboratory ext 55739 if neutralisation agent is required
VIDRLThe Peter Doherty Institute792 Elizabeth StMelbourne VIC 3000