Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Rifampicin Resistance Mutation PCR

Test Name

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Rifampicin Resistance Mutation PCR

Test Code
Specimen Type
  • Aspirates including Gastric
  • Biopsy
  • Blood (EDTA)
  • Bronchial – Lavages/Washings
  • Fluids including CSFs
  • Paraffin Embedded Tissue
  • Sputum
  • Tissue 
Minimum Volume
  • 0.5-1ml Blood, Bronchial lavages/washings, Aspirates
  • 1-5mm Fresh tissue biopsy (as much as possible)
  • 1-5ml Sterile fluids including CSF
  • 10-20µ Paraffin shavings

Forward all samples and add on requests to Bacteriology to organise sendaway to VIDRL.

Gastric Aspirates MUST be received and neutralised in the laboratory within 4 hours of collection. Please contact Bacteriology Laboratory ext 55739 of neutralisation agent is required.

Assay Performed
The Peter Doherty Institute 792 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000
9342 9600

Amino Levulinic Acid, Urine