Parechovirus Nucleic Acid Detection (PCR)

Test Name
Parechovirus Nucleic Acid Detection (PCR)
Test Code
Specimen Type

DEDICATED molecular specimens are required for blood and swab requests.

CSF, EDTA blood, Faeces, Tissue, Copan eSwab Mini Tip FLOQSwab (orange cap)

Note: If a swab larger than the Copan eSwab Mini Tip FLOQSwab (orange cap) is required, please consider using the Red Top Dry FLOQSwab - 552C

Minimum Volume

CSF: 0.2 mL
EDTA blood: 0.5 mL
Faeces: 1 gram
Tissue: 3-5mm² of Fresh Tissue

Preferred Volume
1 mL blood / 0.5 mL CSF

Laboratory Staff:
The following samples are tested at RCH.

RCH Molecular Microbiology 
Respiratory Specimens (Bronchial washing, Bronchial lavage, Nasopharyngeal aspirate, Nasopharyngeal swab, Sputum, Throat swab)

Refer to Respiratory Pathogens Panel (including SARS-CoV-2) Nucleic Acid Detection

RCH Bacteriology

All other samples are tested at VIDRL Molecular Microbiology.
Sample to be forwarded to Molecular Microbiology Department for send away preparation

Assay Performed
The Peter Doherty Institute 792 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne 3000
9342 9628

Activated T Cells and Double Negative T Cells

Copan eSwab
