In this section
DEDICATED molecular specimens are required for blood and swab requests.
CSF, EDTA blood, Faeces, Tissue, Copan eSwab Mini Tip FLOQSwab (orange cap)
Note: If a swab larger than the Copan eSwab Mini Tip FLOQSwab (orange cap) is required, please consider using the Red Top Dry FLOQSwab - 552C
CSF: 0.2 mLEDTA blood: 0.5 mLFaeces: 1 gramTissue: 3-5mm² of Fresh Tissue
Laboratory Staff:The following samples are tested at RCH.
RCH Molecular Microbiology Respiratory Specimens (Bronchial washing, Bronchial lavage, Nasopharyngeal aspirate, Nasopharyngeal swab, Sputum, Throat swab)
Refer to Respiratory Pathogens Panel (including SARS-CoV-2) Nucleic Acid Detection
RCH BacteriologyCSF
All other samples are tested at VIDRL Molecular Microbiology.Sample to be forwarded to Molecular Microbiology Department for send away preparation