Our Strategic Plan

  • The Royal Children’s Hospital Strategic Plan 2024–26 puts children and young people at the heart of everything we do – our care, research, and learning.

    Developed from the collective voice of our staff, volunteers, consumers and partners, the plan will guide us over the next three years to 2026.

    Our ambitious Strategic Plan presents a new and exciting chapter for the The Royal Children’s Hospital Strategic (RCH). While our focus remains first and foremost on the delivery of safe and high-quality care, we are also committed to harnessing new ways of working collaboratively with our health service partners and build on our role as a leading voice in the community.

    Download The Royal Children’s Hospital Strategic Plan 2024–26

    Our three strategic goals will guide the work of the RCH over the next three years – they will focus our time and energy so our patients receive the best possible care, anywhere in the world.

    Goal 1: Our Hospital

    The RCH’s first strategic goal is to be a leading paediatric academic hospital. That’s why we focus on the everyday excellence we deliver.

    Everything starts here. At every level, every role and in every service, we work to make things better, for our patients, our families, our partners in care and our people.

    Under Goal 1, our focus for the next three years is to:

    • Innovate in clinical excellence.
    • Embed the voices of young people and grow kid-centric models of care.
    • Drive impact with our people, technology and sustainable finances.

    Goal 2: Our Health System

    The RCH’s second strategic goal is for an integrated paediatric service system. We are uniquely positioned to collaborate with our colleagues across the state to improve the integration of the paediatric service system in Victoria.

    This goal requires us to draw on our clinical expertise, learn from the knowledge of our peers, work together to identify gaps and opportunities, and partner with other health services to improve the whole system.

    Under Goal 2, our focus in the next three years is to:

    • Partner with health services and community providers to develop a state-wide paediatric health services plan.
    • Find new ways to share knowledge and expertise.

    Goal 3: Our Community

    The RCH’s third strategic goal is for healthy children and young people in the community. We want to grow our ability to change the lives of the children we may never meet.

    Empowering them and their families – advocating for better health equity, improving their health literacy and improving our environmental performance in order to help secure the planet’s future.

    Under Goal 3, our focus in the next three years is to:

    • Advocate for equity and action on the social determinants of health.
    • Empower our community through health literacy.
    • Contribute to environmental sustainability.